Tuesday 2 June 2009


There are two great exhibitions on in Bradford at the moment. Two real knockouts. Two world champs.

First Up is Don McCullin - In England at The National Media Museum.  McCullin, One of Britain's greatest photographers, presents a personal portrait of England which spans over 50 years.  Often dark and uncomfortable McCullin's work captures the gap between the rich and the poor.  Some great photos shot in Bradford feature. The Exhibition runs till 27th September.

Also exhibiting is Clothes for Living and Dying by Margareta Kern at The Impressions Gallery.  Two contrasting bodies of work shot in Bosnia and Croatia.  Clothes for Living Documents teenage girls and their graduation dresses that are modeled on those that western celebrities wear. As the title suggests Clothes for Dying is slightly more depressing.  Old ladies are shot next to their chosen outfits they wish to be burried in. Nice.  Not much time left to see this one as it closes on June 14th.